Established in 2004
Locally Owned & Operated in Maiden Gully, VIC
Qualified Plumbers & Gas fitters
PAYMENT TERMS STRICTLY ADHERED TO: All overdue accounts will immediately incur a $125 account-keeping fee. An accounting fee of $125 will be incurred every additional 30 days or part thereof until payment is received in full. Accounts more than 60 days overdue will incur penalty interest of 10% from that date unless a prior payment arrangement has been agreed to. The account holder is liable for all or any additional costs that are incurred to recover the outstanding debt, including but not limited to loss of productivity, loss of time during working hours, site visit, delivery of documents, fairs & travels, legal & application fees or solicitor costs. 50% deposit requests are to be paid prior to ordering materials and setting a commencement date. All materials rendered remain the property of Dunstone Bros Plumbing & Roofing until payment is received in full. Quote price is subject to material and labour cost increases at commencement and/or during works.
Direct deposit – Please see bank account details on your invoice or statement.
Pay online – Follow the link from your invoice email or SMS.
Phone payments - MasterCard or VISA. Phone our office on 03 5446 1535. 2% surcharge fee applies to card transactions
Cash Payments – Please call our office prior to attending as our office may be unattended. Local customers are welcome to call to arrange for pick-up of payment.
Post a Cheque – or Money Order to our postal address PO BOX 54, EAGLEHAWK 3556
Remittance advices – Please use your invoice number when sending remittance advices. You can find your invoice number in the top right-hand corner of your invoice.
In-person Card Payments - On some jobs, your plumber may be able to produce and invoice for you on-the-spot. Our service system allows us to take card payments from our phones. Please give us a heads up if this is your intention so we can prepare our plumbers.
Looking for an idea of what work will cost you? We will gladly provide you with a free site visit and free quote in the Bendigo area. Note that investigation and fault diagnostic work is a chargable service. Expect a travel fee for quotes outside of Bendigo.
(e.g. Gutter replacements, roof replacements, new installations...)
Just need the job done? We start with this initial Standard Service Call and charge hourly after that. Includes getting a plumber to the site. Up to 45 minutes labour. Does not include materials. Prices increase for travel outside of the Bendigo area.
(e.g. Leaking taps, heater servicing, investigating a roof leak)
Toilet gurgling? Sinks backing up? You might have a Blocked Drain. Service includes getting a plumber to site in the Bendigo area, the first hour, and use of all our drain maintenance equipment.
Used when a matter is so urgent that we have to remove a plumber from their original scheduled job. Covers the first 45 minutes, includes getting a plumber to site. Does not include materials. Price increased compared to Standard Service Call.
After your initial Service Call, further works will be charged at an hourly rate.
Office Location:
179 Allies Road, Maiden Gully, VIC
Business Hours:
8AM - 5PM, Monday - Friday
Closed on weekends and public holidays
(03) 5446 1535